The Simulaids Paediatric ALS Manikin with Arrhythmia Simulator supports the ALS training.
Key product features:
- Bag valve mask ventilation, intubation head, oral or nasal intubation, Sellick’s Maneuver, jaw thrust, accepts NG tube
- Four lead monitoring, brachial pulse, external chest compressions
- IV sites in hand and arm
- Two I/O legs for intraosseous needle insertion and aspiration of bone marrow
- Scalp vein for palpation, cranial sutures, and fontanels.
- Included arrhythmia/pacing simulator recreates 17 pediatric heart rhythms and 17 adult rhythms
- Simulate electronic capture with an external pacer
- Simulate cardioversion with manual, semiautomatic, or automatic defibrillation
- Soft carry bag included
- Three-year manufacturer warranty